Maja Kuzman

Maja Kuzman has a background in mathematics and a master’s degree in molecular biology. She obtained her PhD in the Bioinformatics group at the Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia, working on a project that investigates genomics of basal metazoans. As a junior researcher, she was involved in international projects dealing with understanding the incorporation of HIV into the human genome, the impact of long terminal repeats on the evolution of genes in oocytes and zygotes in mammals, and in the field of cancer genomics. She has experience in data analysis and application of statistical and machine learning methods in genomics, including data from metagenome sequencing, RNA seq, ChIP seq, DRIP seq, and Oxford Nanopore technologies. Maja was also a teaching assistant in graduate and undergraduate level courses, including Algorithms and Programming, Statistics and Machine Learning, Bioinformatics and Computational genomics.